Program Partners

We are grateful to partner with several organizations throughout our programming to bring the best possible experiences for all of our students.  Our programs would simply not be possible without their support!



Partnering Organizations

Do you run a youth leadership program? Provide college scholarships? Offer local internships? Work with us to promote the good work you are doing. 

Many times, organizations come to us asking us to share information with students on scholarships or internships they are offering. Schools contact us for even more ideas on how to help educate their students. We know there are many youth workforce development programs that would complement our already successful Foundation programming. Let us share your programs.

We know there are so many opportunities in our state for students to learn, thrive and prepare for their futures. Why not work together and give them all the tools they need. 

View our Regional Programs PageSubmit Your Opportunity


Our Partner Organizations

Each year, hundreds of organizations and people support our mission by assisting with fundraising, student and volunteer recruitment, awareness, outreach, acquisition of program materials, and so much more. They are truly dedicated, passionate and instrumental in our mission to provide world-class business, workforce development and economics education to the youth of PA. We simply cannot do it without them.