Company Advisor (CA) volunteers spend a week guiding a team of high school students through an interactive business simulation. As a CA, you'll mentor your student company as they elect officers, make decisions for their business simulation, brainstorm ideas, develop a marketing campaign, and develop leadership and teamwork skills. You are the support for the company as they navigate their way through a series of challenges designed to introduce them to the REAL world of business and careers. As a bonus, you will have the opportunity to enhance your own leadership skills, share your personal expertise and experiences, and form a mentorship bond with the youth of our communities. Your role is to engage, educate, and empower the students to be involved in the activities. This week-long opportunity will be nothing like you have ever experienced before!
Our best Company Advisors are people who have:
Benefits of Being a Company Advisor
Anybody who has ever been a CA will tell you that it was one of the most rewarding weeks of their lives. The benefits don't end with the chance to make a difference in the lives of teens — our CAs also say that they are better employees after they've participated in the program.
PFEW runs for one full week, starting with student registration on Sunday and ending with the Closing Ceremony on Friday. CAs arrive the Saturday before PFEW begins to attend one day of mandatory training. Daily programming begins at 8:00 a.m. and concludes each evening around 9:00 p.m. with intermittent breaks and set meal times. The week is a very challenging, yet rewarding experience. CAs will have opportunities throughout the day to attend to personal or business matters as the schedule allows.
Most companies see PFEW as a professional development tool and pay for their employees to attend. If you would like to explore this opportunity as a potential work training course or to see if your company already partners with us, please contact our offices for more details.
On-campus meals are provided by the Foundation (breakfast, lunch, dinner) each day. However, there are opportunities to eat off-campus should you choose to do so at your own expense.
CAs are asked to cover their own lodging expenses. A special room rate is offered at the nearby Holiday Inn, or a more affordable option is offered on campus in the upperclassmen dorm rooms. **If financial assistance with lodging is needed, please contact Program Manager, Taura Ivanko at prior to signing up.
Twenty-five years ago, I took the chance (actually a big risk) but with the absolute blessing from my wife, to drive to Williamsport and spend a week with a few dozen people I didn't know. I was going to participate in a week-long business program with seventeen of someone else's children. We worked hard, I learned more than I could imagine, and I had the time of my life. In the end, we were completely exhausted but we had the opportunity to affect the lives of many young adults. I didn't know how long this PFEW adventure would last, and I never would have dreamed I could make so many friends in so short a time – these friends who now are life-long friends. These are people I will never forget, many of whom have had a tremendous effect on my life.