Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week provides practical, hands-on education not found in any other business program. Students are immersed in the exciting world of business, and in one short week, they come to understand and appreciate our American free enterprise system, leaving with a newfound passion and clarity for their future. Most students tell us they learned more during one week at PFEW than they have in a classroom for an entire year. That's real impact.
Participants form teams of approximately 16 students and one adult business mentor and become the management team of an underperforming manufacturing company in direct competition with other student companies. They are responsible for all aspects of business operations, including management, production, sales and marketing, HR, finance, corporate communications, and more.
The core activity of the week is our BizSim Competition. For 12 business quarters, student teams use a complex college-level simulation owned by FFEE to determine their selling price, marketing costs, production levels and budgets, banking needs, research and development costs, and more – in short, the same decisions modern business owners make daily. They try to turn their company around as they compete for the highest Return On Equity.
Teams must also create an extensive marketing plan for their company. They determine their target audience and selling price, design product features, create print, broadcast and web advertising, and present their campaign to a panel of judges at week's end. Collaboration, teamwork, creativity, and innovation are the hallmarks of this competition.
Throughout the week, world-class speakers address the students on a wide variety of topics including Business Ethics, Business and Government, Leadership, Effective Communication, Teamwork, Career Development, Entrepreneurship, and more, all geared toward the students' personal and professional development. Other activities include an ethics case study debate, a competitive quiz bowl, daily interaction with business leaders and speakers, and full immersion in the college experience.
But the greatest reward of PFEW is seeing students discover the excitement, risks, and rewards of business and gain a newfound understanding and appreciation for the power and freedom of the American private enterprise system.
Without a doubt you have really given me a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget. When they say this will be one of the best weeks of your life, it really is. Not only does it prepare future leaders of America, but this camp creates a community of teenagers that will not be broken.
This program changes the lives of many high school students, and better equips us with the knowledge to keep the free market system afloat. I am excited to see how my peers and I change the world because of PFEW.
Thank you so much for making my week at PFEW such a memorable and wonderful experience…I am incredibly glad I chose to participate in this program because I left with numerous valuable life lessons and some great new friendships…Thank you so much for one of the best experiences of my life.
During my time at PFEW I experienced one of the best weeks of my life. The people I met here have forever made a positive impact on my life, and I have made life long friends and memories. My interest in marketing was just budding before this week, but because of my time here I feel like I have a direction for my future. I will always value the experiences given to me here. Please consider investing in the future of our people for the upcoming years. I promise that by doing so, you will be empowering so many young people to do what they love.
The first day came and instantly my whole perspective changed. I knew this was such a great decision. The teamwork, the listening skills, the amazing Company Advisors, the all around help it was all so amazing. Every single speaker has such a moving topic that meant so much to me by the end. At the end of the week, I had so many amazing stories I couldn't wait to tell my family. I will forever be so thankful for this amazing opportunity you have given me. I cannot express how much this week means to me. Thank you so much.
This week at PFEW will resonate with me for years to come, for it is an eye-opening experience for the Pennsylvanian Youth. Arriving as wide-eyed, eager children and leaving as empowered, confident leaders, PFEW students go through an academic cultivation like no other.
This camp was far from just "okay" it was absolutely amazing. It allowed me to meet great people, experience college life, and listen to many fantastic speakers. I know that as soon as I get home I'm going to be a greater person than I was before. THANK YOU! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn, thank you for allowing me to make new friends, and thank YOU for donating to let a lonely kid like me to experience something so great as this.
PFEW is a place that encourages me to grow as a person. PFEW is a place for me to laugh and learn at the same time. PFEW is a place where I can prepare for my future, but also enjoy being a kid. PFEW is so much more than a business camp.