Educational Video Resources for Career Exploration

Career exploration and workforce preparedness is a critical component of a well-rounded economic education. We created the Speaker Series in 2020 to help students explore a variety of careers, discover interests, develop mentor relationships, and map a plan for their future.

The Speaker Series is an online library of video resources consisting of two distinct tracks, the Life Track, focusing on students' inspiration and personal development, and the Career Track, focusing on career exploration and workforce preparedness. New videos are added to provide even more impact for years to come.

Speaker Series videos can be accessed by anyone at any time, because you're never too old to find a new career!

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We hope you introduce the Speaker Series into your curriculum. It's a great resource for both in-person or remote learning. Our CEW standards-aligned Speaker Series Accompaniment Workbook is a great tool to use in conjunction with the videos. Whether used whole or by section, the workbook can also serve as an artifact to demonstrate implementation of each student's individualized career plan.

You know the best part about the Speaker Series? All of our Speakers are available for a deeper dive into their topics. We'd be happy to facilitate an introduction, so don't hesitate to contact us.

Interested in learning more about having this program in your classroom?

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 Are you tired of hearing, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Unsure about your career path yet? Thinking you know what you want to do but have no idea what to study or the skills you'll need to get there? Hoping to learn more about a career you may have never considered?

Then the Speaker Series is for you. It will introduce you to many diverse viewpoints, subject matter and people, all while helping you understand your important role in our American free enterprise system and society.

The Speaker Series is made possible by the hundreds of individuals, corporations and partners who give to our Foundation with one goal: to help YOU unlock doors to your future. 

We hope you find these videos to be useful career exploration tools and we encourage you to connect directly with the presenters for more information. So, sit back, relax, watch, and get ready to embark on your personal journey of discovery and success!



Partnering Organizations

We continue to expand the Series to include YOUR programs!  Our Regional Programs page provides a place where students can learn about educational and professional development offerings right in their hometowns.

Run a youth leadership program? Provide college scholarships? Offer local internships? Work with us to promote the good work you are doing. 

Many times, organizations come to us asking us to share information with students on scholarships or internships they are offering. Schools contact us for even more ideas on how to help educate their students. We know there are many youth workforce development programs that would complement our already successful Foundation programming. Let us share your programs.

We know there are so many opportunities in our state for students to learn, thrive and prepare for their futures. Why not work together and give them all the tools they need. 

View our Regional Programs Page

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