Your Journey to Success Starts Here

The Foundation for Free Enterprise Education is dedicated to helping Pennsylvania's students prepare for success in the real world. Our Speaker Series offers a dynamic collection of videos featuring industry professionals who share career insights and expert advice. 

Dive into our collection of engaging videos designed to help students, families, and educators explore careers, gain expert advice, and discover valuable tips from industry professionals.

The Speaker Series videos are sorted into buckets using the National Career Clusters® Framework, making it easy for career explorers of all ages to identify career paths that align with their interests and goals. Connect with professionals in their fields of interest, opening doors to mentorship, skill-building, and career guidance that will prepare you for a bright future.

Start exploring today! 

Speaker Series Library



The Foundation for Free Enterprise Education's Career Exploration Workbook is more than just a resource—it's a powerful tool to support career exploration in your classroom. Aligned with Pennsylvania's Career Education and Work (CEW) standards, this series provides relevant content for career exploration and future planning.

Perfect for classroom use or as a substitute-friendly activity or flexible assessment tool, the videos and accompanying workbook offer engaging, self-guided lessons that keep students actively engaged by making personal connections to the topics and learning and exploring career paths even when you're not there.

Empower your students to connect with professionals, build their skills, and prepare for the future—all while meeting critical standards.

Career Exploration Resources


Tired of hearing, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Not sure where to start? Maybe you have a dream job in mind but aren't sure what to study or which skills you'll need. Or perhaps you're open to new possibilities and want to explore careers you've never considered.

That's where the Speaker Series comes in! This video library connects you with professionals from a variety of industries, offering real-world advice, diverse perspectives, and inspiration to help you chart your path.

Along with the videos, you'll have access to our FFEE Career Exploration Workbook—a personal guide that helps you reflect on your career interests, track your progress, and build a portfolio that highlights your skills and goals. Whether you're a student planning for the future or exploring a career change, this workbook is a valuable tool to help you stay on track. 

Thanks to the generous support of individuals, corporations, and partners, the Foundation for Free Enterprise Education is here to help YOU unlock doors to your future.

Your journey starts here: Watch the Speaker Series videos, dive into the workbook, and connect with professionals to take your next step.
