Become a Volunteer for The Stock Market Game™

An InvestWrite Judge

Every Fall and Spring, SMG students are invited to submit an essay as part of the national InvestWrite essay competition offered through the SIFMA Foundation. Members of the business community are needed to read and judge essays. Sign up now to volunteer as an InvestWrite Judge!

Sign Up

An Invest It Forward Presenter

Invest It Forward is designed to help young people understand how to harness the capital markets for their own benefit and realize their dreams. If you are a financial professional wanting to bring your passion and expertise to students, teachers and nonprofits participating in SIFMA Foundation's financial education programs, register below. 

*Please note: All presenters for Invest It Forward are required to be employed by a SIFMA Member Firm


A special thank you to SIFMA Foundation & SIFMA Member Firms for providing The Stock Market Game.