Contribute to the Success of Students in Pennsylvania

FFEE programs engage and challenge students to compete, learn, experience, celebrate and embrace business and our American free enterprise system and build skills that prepare them for the 21st-century workforce. The Foundation for Free Enterprise Education is grateful for ALL contributions to our family of educational programs and all donations are 501(c)(3) deductible. 

The following funding levels have been established for Foundation programming. 

All Foundation programming qualifies for Educational Improvement Tax Credits.


The Stock Market Game™

Financial literacy is vital to creating a healthy, stable future for our students and the PA business community. The Stock Market Game breaks down real and perceived barriers to investing and saving and helps students develop the skills to create financially successful futures. 

You can play an important role in making SMG available to students in your region or throughout the state. Teams consist of 2-5 students, and costs to sponsor teams for the fall or spring competitive sessions are $20 per team. The year-long session is $30 per team. A gift of just $200 can help up to 50 students gain a strong understanding of the markets and set them on a path to financial success. 



Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week

Students attend Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week on a $695 sponsorship donated by a company, foundation, civic organization, or individual. We always seek to award sponsorships to students residing in the same county as the donor. Upon request, we also can try to match sponsorships with a particular school. A sponsorship covers all activities, program materials, and costs for one student's week-long educational experience.


The Speaker Series

The Speaker Series addresses the compelling and urgent issue of workforce preparedness. It is an online library of video resources geared toward career exploration, motivation, and skills development. It is comprised of the Life Track focusing on students' inspiration and personal development, and the Career Track focusing on career exploration, workforce preparedness and mentorship development. The Series also helps teachers and students fulfill state-mandated Career, Education, and Work (CEW) standards. A donation towards the Speakers Series will help to ensure continual additions to the video series and expand marketing to middle and high school teachers and students. 

Make a life-changing investment in a student today.

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